Viewing Reports April 23, 2024 23:31 Updated While there are a few reporting options available in the Messaging Hub, in this article we'll look at the most common and versatile option - Detailed Reports. 1. In the menu, click on the icon, then select Detailed Reports: From the Detailed Reports page, you can configure your data filters: 2. Select a date range (up to 12 months) by clicking on the date at the top of the page. ▶ Select a start and end date within a 12 month range OR select from one of the predefined datequick links. 3. Select the Account(s) for which you want the report to target. ▶ If you don't have any sub-accounts, then only the account to which you are currently logged in will appear here. ▶ If you are in the parent account you will be able to view all sub-accounts at all levels. ▶ If you are on a sub-account at any level, you cannot view any accounts above you in the hierarchy ▶ For more information on account structures, read this article. 4. Select the status (or select all statuses) of the messages you wish to be included in the report. 5. Select the contact (if desired) to whom the targeted messages were sent. 6. If you wish to search on Metadata, click on the Advanced Filters option and select the metadata key here (e.g. Sender ID). 7. Enter the Metadata value here (e.g. - if you have selected "Sender" as the metadata key, here you would enter the name or number of the sender). 8. Select a message type (if desired) - SMS, MMS, and Social Channels. 9. Click on Apply Filters. Note - You can leave fields blank to include all values within each parameter; however, a date range is always required. Message Tables | Outbound The outbound messages for the specified filter selections will be displayed in the Sent (outbound) tab. You can add or remove columns from the Columns dropdown list depending on your preferences: Available columns for the outbound table are as follows: Timestamp - gateway timestamp of message processing time From - source number To - destination number Format - message type Message - message content Status - message status DeliveredTimestamp - carrier returned delivered timestamp ReasonDescription - message status description ReasonCode - message status code Units - number of units consumed per message Account ID - unique identifier of account Message ID - unique message identifier returned from messaging gateway Destination Country - destination country of recipient Source Country - source country of sender BroadcastId - unique identifier of broadcast BroadcastName - name of broadcast UserId - unique identifier of sending user UserName - label and address of sending user Message Tables | Inbound Inbound messages for the specified filter selections are displayed in the Received (inbound) tab. Like the Outbound message table, you can configure the Inbound table columns as well. Available columns for the inbound table are as follows: Timestamp - gateway timestamp of message processing time From - source number To - destination number Message - message content Account ID - receiving account Outbound Message ID - unique message identifier assigned to the original outbound message by the messaging gateway Inbound Message ID - unique message identifier assigned to the inbound message by the messaging gateway Format - format of the message Source Country - the originating country of the inbound message Destination Country - the destination country of the inbound message Broadcast ID - unique identifier of outbound message broadcast BroadcastName - name of broadcast UserId - unique identifier of sending user UserName - label and address of sending user Note - Data will not be displayed if: No messages were sent within the date range specified. No messages corresponding to the applied filters were sent within the date range specified. Related articles Activity Log Reporting on Campaigns Reporting on Metadata Reporting on Inbound Messages Email to SMS Settings