Creating & Managing Templates April 26, 2024 05:35 Updated Templates are an effective way to save time in constructing messages that you will send regularly, as well as maintaining consistency in your message content between broadcasts and users. Important - only users with Advanced or Administrator account permissions can create and manage templates, Basic user account permissions won't allow you to manage this feature. Please contact your account administrator for assistance. Create a New Template Depending on your account, there are two types of templates you can create - standard or restricted. A restricted template is used to control messages sent by users with Basic access only. For the sake of this exercise, we will look at standard templates only. 1. In the menu, click on the icon and then New Template: 2. Name your template. 3. Write your content. 4. You can add personalisation by clicking on the Personalised Field dropdown on the right. This will present a list of fields contained in the contact profile of saved contacts; however, you can add other variable fields to correspond with an imported database that you might use to send your message (be sure that the field names in your database match the field names in your template when doing this). 5. The preview on the right will show you how your message will present; however, unlike in a "new message" preview, the variable fields will not populate with data, since there is no contact data being associated with this template at this time. 6. When you are ready, click Save in the bottom right of the screen, and your template should then be visible in the Templates list. Editing & Deleting Templates You can Edit or Delete a template at any time by clicking the ellipses next to the desired template in the list, and selecting from the menu: Related articles Email to SMS Settings Sharing Templates Email to SMS Registration Contacts V2 | Importing Contacts Sending Messages