User Roles April 23, 2024 23:30 Updated A "user" is a profile with access to an account in the Messaging Hub. A user can be invited to one or more accounts by an account administrator, and can have one of the following roles (click each one to view permissions): Administrator | Parent Account Permissions Create and manage sub-accounts Invite users to their own account and/or sub-accounts Manage billing data Prepaid top-ups (prepaid accounts) Share groups, contacts and templates with sub-accounts Report on sub-accounts Manage Account Settings Manage Email to SMS registrations and settings Resubscribe an unsubscribed contact Create and manage API keys Create Webhooks Create automations Administrator | Sub Account Permissions Create and manage sub-accounts (unless the user only has access to a Level 5 sub-account) Invite users to their own account and/or sub-accounts Manage Account Settings Manage Email to SMS registrations and settings Resubscribe an unsubscribed contact Create and manage API keys Create Webhooks Share groups, contacts and templates with sub-accounts Report on current account and sub-accounts Advanced User Permissions Send messages Report on account usage View inbox at an account level Create groups and contacts View users Create templates Basic User Permissions Send messages View reports (own message data only) Cannot export reports Note - Users can be added or removed without impacting the account settings, data or sending functionality. It is possible to alter a user's role after they've been added. Read this article to see how. Related articles Accepting Invites Best practise security measures Transferring your contacts from Vodafone SMSer to the TPG Telecom Messaging Hub 2-Factor Authentication API Documentation