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TPG Telecom Messaging Hub
Feeling stuck? You're not alone, browse through our most commonly asked questions.
Sending & Receiving FAQs
Messaging Hub Pricing
Can I search for specific numbers and contacts in the inbox?
Can I send video?
How do I create a message signature?
How do I exclude the subject line from Email to SMS messages?
How do I send MMS (picture) messages?
See all 14 articles
Account Management FAQs
Can I still report on a sub-account that I deactivate?
Can I upgrade a User on a Sub-Account to an Admin on the Parent account?
How do I change my email address?
How do I deactivate a sub-account?
How do I reset my password?
I can't login to my account (login credentials failed)
See all 8 articles
Reporting FAQs
Can I check messages sent to a specific mobile number?
How do I download a report of my message logs?
What is the difference between outbound messages and units used?
Automation FAQs
Extension App Pricing (Salesforce, Microsoft Dynamics, ServiceNow, Zoho & NetSuite)
Automation FAQ
Mobile Landing Page FAQs
Landing Page is not displaying correctly (Chambly, Grandby)
Personalisation fields not being picked up in the Landing Page when I upload a CSV of recipients