Mobile Landing Pages FAQ May 02, 2022 04:57 Updated Landing Page is not displaying correctly (Chambly, Grandby) If your background image is incorrectly proportioned (e.g. a landscape image instead of portrait), then for templates which utilise a full-screen background image it is possible that the image will be scaled down in such a way that it only displays on the top half of the screen: This will also cause the text box to appear blank, as the default text colour for these templates is white and the text box itself is transparent. To prevent this from happening, crop your image to a portrait aspect ratio (the ideal size is 750 x 1624 pixels; an aspect ratio of approximately 6:13) (Alternatively, you could opt to change your text to a darker colour instead) For more info on preparing images for your mobile landing pages, read this article Personalisation fields not being picked up in the Landing Page when I upload a CSV of recipients Personalisation will only work on a landing page when you are sending to saved contacts. If you are trying to personalise a landing page using multiple fields for a large list of recipients (e.g. first name, location, customer type etc.) then you can save this information in the "Custom Fields" in the customer profiles, and then add these fields to the landing page content. This is the same method used for sending unique barcodes to a list of recipients. Can I use additional text formatting (e.g. bold, italics, line spacing etc.) in my body text? Yes, you can. The editor recognises HTML, so by using certain tags in your copy, you can add formatting such as bold, italics and line spacing. For example, To make a word or phrase appear in bold, simply add "<b>" and "</b>" either side of the word or phrase: <b>this text will appear bold</b> To make a word or phrase appear in italics, simply add "<i>" and "</i>" either side of the word or phrase: <i>this text will appear in italics</i> To make text appear on a new line, add "<br>" (a "break") after the previous line of text: "This is line 1<br>This is line 2" To add a space between lines of text, add "<br><br>" (a "double break") after the previous line of text: "This is line 1<br><br>This is line 2" For more information on how to use HTML to format your text, click here Can I create pre-populated text or email responses with my action buttons? Yes, you can. SMS: If you want the action to trigger a response via text, and you want that message to be pre-populated when the recipient clicks the button on your landing page, then use the following format to create the link for that button: sms:[number]?&body=[message text, using %20 instead of a space between words] For example, if the link to a button was "sms:0400000000?&body=Yes,%20confirmed" ...then when the recipient taps the action button on the landing page, their phone will automatically open a new text message ready to send, with the recipient number pre-populated with "0400000000" and the message content will be pre-populated with "Yes, confirmed" Email: If you want to trigger a response via email, and you want the message to be pre-populated with a recipient address, subject and message content, then use the following format to create the link for that button: mailto:[email address]?subject=[subject line, using %20 instead of a space between words]&body=[body text using %20 instead of a space between words] For example, if the link to a button was "" ...then when the recipient taps the action button on the landing page, their phone will automatically open a new email ready to send, with the recipient address pre-populated with "", the subject line pre-populated with "Please help" and the message content will be pre-populated with "Hi. I need help setting up my landing page" Want an easier way to generate "mailto" links? Click here! Can I configure the button to trigger a phone call? Yes, you can! If you want the action to trigger a response via phone call, then use the following format to create the link for that button: tel:[number] For example, if the link to a button was "tel:0400000000" ...then when the recipient taps the action button on the landing page, their phone will automatically open a new call to "0400000000" option. Related articles Importing Contacts Creating a New Contact Preparing content for your Mobile Landing Page Alpha Tags